Blogging for the first time with a topic like this is not that usual but this idea or fact or whatever you may call it has always made me think - Liking what you do is Happiness, Doing what you like is Freedom.
I believe I am happy, oops, happier than the happiest person in the world. But I don't know whether it's because I love what I do or I do what I like. If the former is true then happiness sounds to be nothing but compromise.
From the childhood, we grow up to make our dreams of standing on our feet come true, we grow up wishing that one day will come when we will do whatever we like and none will stop us and our lives will be full of happiness. Now, being grown ups we see a world too different from those our young minds used to hallucinate. Here we no more feel happy, we don't feel anything. Instead we define everything and then we decide whether we are living up to the definition!
Always doing whatever I like has brought me happiness. May be at times it seems to the world what I love to do is not only just freedom but misuse of it which sounds absolutely fine to me if it paves the path of happiness, after all we are striving to live with the objective of being happy, that's what everyone wants from life, a continuous and genuine happiness. But obviously this happiness in no way should cost anything possibility of which is there when one is too free to enjoy one's freedom. On the other extreme we can't be as happy as we make our minds to be. But the hard truth is that happiness comes from the simple harmony between the man and the life he leads to make it successful which success is not the key to happiness whereas the other way round happiness is the key to success and one will be successful if he likes what he does, finds the pleasure in it. So the question remains unanswered - Liking what you do is happiness or doing what you like is???